How to Implement Common Core Curriculum State Standards?

By Farah Mendoza For the past couple of years, administrators pushed for the implementation of the California Common Core State Standards (CCCSS). Some teachers reluctantly joined this new approach of teaching, while other teachers eagerly joined the cause just like me groping into the confusing maze of Common Core Standards. In spite of all odds, I managed to learn how to implement CCCSS after two years of collaboration with other teachers and professional development. The first time I encountered Common Core, I had one question that propelled me into understanding the implementation of CCCSS. How am I going to implement this CCCSS successfully? With the assistance of Mrs. Rhea Faeldonea-Walker, Sweetwater Highs School Union District English Curriculum Specialist, I was able to find a light – a road to CCCSS implementation. Implementing the Credit Recovery Curriculum she created made me ponder about the proper steps I had to do for our English Language Development (ELD) Departme...