FLCSD Meet and Greet 2019

March 16, 2019, CTFLC joined Foreign Language Council of San Diego (FLCSD) Meet and Greet 2019 at San Diego County Office of Education Annex B. This event aimed to update current members regarding the status of FLCSD, to attract new members, to ask participants to recruit more members, and to invite foreign language teachers (Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Arabic, French, etc.) from different grade levels, schools and districts. Moreover, FLCSD asked members to provide input on their needs and/or interests in the field of foreign language education. FLCSD also announced the 2019 Jamboree in San Diego and encouraged everybody to be part in this conference. Most of all, the organizers encouraged participants to be active in providing assistance towards their fellow teachers. Looking back, FLCSD was established by the late Norman Leonard with a vision to create a network of foreign language teachers in San Diego county and to be the umbrella organization of all the language organi...