Peralta, Elected CTFLC President

On Sunday, 16th December 2012, the Council for Teaching Filipino Language and Culture [CTFLC] gathered for its annual Christmas get-together (Part I) and general meeting (Part II). This gathering, held at residence of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Balane (thanks for opening your beautiful house), marked the end of another great year and was a time for everyone to come together and celebrate!

CTFLC President Rosalina V. Idos presided over the General Meeting with the Election of Officers, as the main agenda, along with the preparations for the Rizal Day Commemoration on Dec. 30 and the Philippine Faire Festival on March 16, 2013.

Tasked to supervise the election, Dr. Cristeta M. Dumaran, CTFLC Founding President, was assisted by Board Members—Ms. Wulfilda P. Galvante and Dr. Atilio V. Alicio in the absence of Dr. Estela C. Matriano who was then out of the country. She apprised the group on the procedural matters and mechanics of the election, after which the following were unanimously elected CTFLC Officers (2013-2014) and sworn in by Ms. Idos:

President              Ms. Mary Rose L. Peralta
Vice-PresidentMs. Dolores O. Balane
Secretary (Gen. Membership)Dr. Ofelia C. Rayos
Secretary (Board)Ms. Rizalyn M. Cruz
TreasurerMs. Carole I. Caparros
 Public Relations OfficerDr. Atilio V. Alicio

 Ms. Peralta, Principal of Granger Junior High School, a multi-awardee administrator, educator, and community leader and advocate, in accepting the mandate entrusted to her, expressed her heartfelt appreciation, in spite of her hectic schedules and tremendous responsibilities, while at the same time reiterating her unequivocal commitment to CTFLC by emphatically saying `that Granger remains to be the home of CTFLC’.

Elated by these developments, everyone thanked Ms. Peralta and assured her of one’s continued support, cooperation and collaboration. Members of Kapamilyang CTFLC have likewise manifested and conveyed to out-going President Sally Idos their wholehearted gratitude for her commendable, unrelenting and altruistic dedication and service to CTFLC all these years!

Completing the CTFLC Executive Board are the following:

Board MembersMs. Miguelita Candelaria
          Ms. Wulfilda P. Galvante
Mr. Salvador S. Idos
Dr. Estela C. Matriano
Immediate Past PresidentMs. Rosalina V. Idos
Founding PresidentDr. Cristeta M. Dumaran

Part II started with the sumptuous lunch which included a lechon, courtesy of CTFLC. This was supplemented by the variety of menu served by our hosts: Alex & Dolly, along with those prepared by the Decembers hosts: Lita Candelaria, Mryna Ablana and Tily Alicio, and more from those shared by other members/family – to the savor and delight of everyone! The day was not complete without the excitement and laughter during the `brown carabao’ exchange gifts handled by Virgie Ferrer; the informative trivia games coordinated by Fel & Hermie Moscoso and Ador Idos, with Christie Dumaran  handing out the cash prizes, as allotted by CTFLC!

For another fun-filled fellowship, isang taos-pusong pasasalamat sa lahat, as we part ways with the thoughts that it’s truly a great joy to be a part of Kapamilyang CTFLC and look forward to another year with optimism, more blessings, and earnest thanksgiving to God, family and community!

~ Mapagpalang Pasko 2012 at Makabuluhang Bagong Taon 2013 ~


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