Balboa Centennial Celebration 2015

On June 5-7, 2015, CTFLC collaborated with Balboa Park Centennial 2015 Philippine American Celebration Committee (PACC). This three-day celebration happened at Balboa Park Organ Pavilion and the House of Pacific Relations lawn in San Diego. Filipinos commemorated the relationship between United States and the Philippines. Plethora of international and local artists such as Martin Nievera, the King of Philippine Pop Music, and Jessica Sanchez, one of “American Idol” grand finalists, performed at this event. Filipino food, games, and entertainment kept visitors on their toes.

On the third day, June 7, 2015, Sunday, CTFLC together with the Filipino American Educators Association of San Diego (FILAMEDA) and the Filipino American National Historical Society (FAHNS) joined forces to sponsor Filipino games. Mr. Rey Idos, Eastlake High School Filipino Language teacher, and Ms. Jacquilin Magat-Lapid, CTFLC president and Bell Junior Filipino Language teacher, spearheaded the Filipino social games. Both children and adults had so much fun and filled with excitement.

In the “Pabitin”, a traditional Filipino game, toddlers with their little hands jumped and scrambled for little prizes hanged temptingly on the bamboo trellis. Later on, older children took their turn grabbing for their most coveted prizes.

Next, children enjoyed the sack race where they jumped as fast as they could while they were inside the rice sack. Cheers filled the air urging them to catch up with the other participants.

While waiting for the next game, children enjoyed the “Luksong-tinik” or Jump-over-Thorns, which originated from Cabanatuan, Philippines. The game involved participants jumping over hands and feet.

The event was not complete without the Tug-o-War game. The game was divided into three categories namely: children, teen-agers, and adults. In the adults category, most teachers showed their camaraderie.

Mr. Rey Idos threw coins in the air for the “sabwag” (Cebuano) or “pasabog” game. Children scampered to pick up as many coins they can. Squeals of glee filled the atmosphere as they grabbed coins on the ground.

Finally, translated as “Game of Rings,” Juego de Anillo originated from Spain. This is different from the famous computer game called “Game of Thrones”. In this notable game, usually a player riding a horse would use a dagger to catch a ring hanging from a tree. However, since we did not have horses and for safety issues, we modified the game. While in a piggyback, participants threaded the ring and tied a knot. The first one to finish won the game.

Mr. Rey Idos gave prizes to winners and non-winners. At the end of the game although exhausted, everybody left with joy and pride of being a Filipino. This day showed the fun-loving side of Filipinos and children here in United States experienced this legacy.


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