CTFLC Joined CoP 2017

Last December 8, 2017, once again CTFLC joined the CoP 2017, which recognized the outstanding accomplishments of different foreign language organizations. The Southern Area International Language Network (SAILN) provided this annual opportunity at the International Student Center at San Diego State University.

This event was participated by the following language organizations:
  1. Arabic Language Group
  2. Dari/Pashto Language Group
  3. Filipino Language Group
  4. Mandarin Language Group
  5. Persian Language Group
  6. Portuguese Language Group
  7. Heritage/Native Spanish Speaker Group
Myrna Ablana, CTFLC President, together with Maria Fontimayor, Susan Chrismen, Dolores Balane, Rosalinda Falaminiano, Virginia Ferrer, Rizalyn Cruz, Farah Divah Mendoza, Rosalina Idos, Salvador Idos, and Aurora Cruz shared their time in this jubilation.  They presented a medley of Filipino songs such as “Sitsiritsit”, “Bahay Kubo”, etc.
First, Guest Speaker, SAILN Director Alan Svidal spoke about the positive impact of heritage language to a learner who is exposed at a young age.
Then, Rizalyn Cruz, CTFLC member, showcased CTFLC’s  2017 accomplishments such as the CTFLC’s 15th Year Anniversary, Christmas Party, and participation of students in the community activities.   
In the end, everyone was filled with pride knowing that every projects, books, and activities enhanced students’ learning.


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