Workshop How to Become a Filipino Language Teacher in California

CTFLC will offer a workshop on how to be a credentialed teacher in the state of California.  This a virtual workshop via zoom video conferencing
organized by the CTFLC Outreach and Advocacy Committee. The anticipated Attendees are the following:
  1. Credentialed California Teachers (but not in Filipino language teaching)
  2. Non-credentialed teachers  ( US and immigrants teacher education graduates)
  3. Bachelor’s degree graduates other than Teaching course ( US  citizens and immigrants)
Date: December 5th, Saturday (USA)/December 6th, Sunday(PI)
Time & Duration: 4:00 to 6:00pm PST/ 8:00 to 10:00am PI (two hours)
Registration Link: 

Virtual Workshop Overview




Main room

15 min. Before the workshop


Workshop Moderators’ preparation


All speakers / panelists 

Main room

(10 minutes)


4:00 to 4:10pm


Welcome/Introduction/instructions to the breakroom sessions good for all attendees

Ø  Welcome  and introduction about-about CTFLC – Maria 

(5 minutes)

Ø  Purpose of the Workshop - Michael

Ø  Instructions for the Breakroom – sessions – Michael Lapid 

(5 minutes)

Michael  Lapid

Maria Fontimayor

Main Room – 

Session 1

(40 minutes)

4:11 to 4:50 pm

-Importance of bilingualism, importance of teaching World language and what direction we are heading in 20th century


-Overview of the credential process and hiring process


-Benefits of becoming a Filipino language teacher


-Moderator: Jacquilin Lapid

Dr. Eva Pando-Solis

(SD County Office of Education)


Mary Rose

(Sweetwater Unified School District)


Herb Delute

(San Diego Unified School District)


Dr. Leo Paz

(San Francisco Unified School District)


Jo Hisakado from National University personnel invited by

Susan Chrismen


 Breakroom 1

Session 3

(30 minutes)

4:51-5:20 pm


Teacher career preparations for immigrants who are bachelor's degree graduate of education or other, but not of a teacher credentialing course and now interested in teaching Filipino


Rey Idos, Dr Ofelia Rayos, Jackie Brom and Briar Duco, Dr. Julita, Rizalyn Cruz


Moderator: Marge Idos

 Breakroom 2

Session 3

(30 minutes)



Teacher career preparations for US graduates who are bachelor's degree graduate of education or other, but not of a teacher credentialing course and now interested in teaching Filipino

Analyn Thomson, Jackie Lapid, Michael Lapid & Ivy Daulo


Moderator: Myrna Ablana

 Main Room

Session 4

(10 minutes)


Wrap up of the virtual

Closing – Michael Lapid

workshop/Certificate/Workshop assessment



To prepare for the workshop evaluation and Certificate Maria


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