Bingo Social Fundraiser

Bingo Social Fundraiser at de Vera’s Residence
6/14/2021    | Gng. Mendoza

June 12, 2021, Saturday, after a long period of time being cooped up at home due to home quarantine, finally, the Council for Teaching Filipino Language and Culture (CTFLC) members were able to gather together at Gng. Salvacion De Vera’s residence.  The Fundraising Committee headed by Gng. Virginia Ferrer, Bb. Blancaflor Villanueva and Gng. Salvacion de Vera,  planned a Bingo fundraiser to raise money for CTFLC’s professional development and other activities. 
Although it was attended by a handful of members, the gathering was filled with laughter and never-ending chikahan. Of course, Filipino food satisfied our hungry stomach. On the table, sumptuous food such as igado (stewed pork and liver), pinakbet, and pancit bihon. Gng. Lita Candelaria arrived with her hot steaming arroz caldo with all the condiments and Gng. Aurora Cruz with her sweet biko. There was no such thing as a diet in this kind of atmosphere!  
After lunch, Gng. Virginia Ferrer headed the Bingo game.  Her knowledge and small tidbits of information entertained the players who often burst into laughter. Finally, the winners brought home prizes which were donated by the members! The committee raised $125.00
Everybody went home with heart and soul filled with joy, bags filled with “take home” food, and stomachs full. 
Until next time, the Fundraising Committee promised more fun by having sayawan or ballroom dancing, garage sale, and silent auction. For other members who were not able to make it, join us next time for fun with a cause.

This is not lesson planning.  It’s Bingo time.

Gng. Virginia Ferrer called out the BINGO numbers.

Full concentration!

Our first BINGO winner… Ms. Mary Rose Peralta

Coffee Mug… perfect for those early morning and late night shifts.

B42…. Japanese Imperial Colonization!

2nd Winner… a pair of mugs
3rd Winner… a tie


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