CTFLC Despedida Party for Ms. Carole Caparros and Dr. Ofelia Rayos

June 23, 2021 |Gng. Mendoza
June 17, 2021, Thursday, CTFLC bid adieu to Ms. Carole Caparros and Dr. Ofelia Rayos who are going back to stay in the Philippines for good.
As part of our Filipino tradition when somebody leaves or departs, we always send them good vibes. Hence, a reason to have food and party. CTFLC members gathered at Seaside Buffet, Miramar, San Diego.
Gng. Maria Fontimayor mentioned in her FB post “ We will both miss you but you will always be with us as we have other gatherings like this.  May God bless you on your trip back to the Philippines, and may you reach home safely. We will see you again soon. Bon Voyage.”
Ms. Caparros worked at Alliant International University and The Filipino School. In addition, she was an excellent CTFLC Treasurer for many years who immaculately maintained financial records.  Furthermore, Dr. Ofelia Rayos is still a professor at Southwestern College through online teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and Filipino Language for a few semesters. Their contributions to CTFLC is much appreciated. 

Carole Caparros with the CTFLC Socials and Cultural Committee


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