FLASP Ukelele Recital

June 14, 2021 |Gng. Mendoza

Last June 9, 2021, at  Montevalle Community Park,  the after-school program headed by Filipino Language After-School Program (FLASP) held its first recital after 7 weeks of grueling but fun ukulele lessons. The class was taught every Wednesday at 3:00- 4:00pm at Montevalle Community Park.  Its goal was to teach Filipino Language through music. Most of the students were from Zamorano Fine Arts Academy and Salt Creek Elementary School.

CTFLC President Rizalyn Cruz wholeheartedly expressed her gratitude towards the leaders of this program namely, Mrs. Dolores Balane who is the chairperson of the committee, Dr. Julita Biares who patiently taught ukulele to elementary school students, and Mrs. Margarita Idos who provided assistance. Also, she thanked Mrs. Marilyn Sevilla for teaching the Filipino language component of the curriculum for the first 3-4 weeks before the COVID- 19 lockdown. 

Many parents attended the recital enjoying the children’s English and Filipino musical pieces such as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Magandang Hapon Po, Sampung mga Daliri, etc. They were extremely proud of their children who learned to play ukulele. The Principal of Zamorano Fine Arts Academy, Mr. Derek Murchison was there to show his support for the program. At the end of the recital, students received a certificate of completion.

In addition, parents and their children were already inquiring about the next session. So, if you are around the vicinity of Chula Vista, come and join the after-school program.  You will learn to speak Filipino Language and at the same time learn how to play the ukulele.


A. Singing of the National Anthems:    

  • Star-Spangled Banner - Ala’zah Hennis, Zamorano Fine Arts Academy
  • Lupang Hinirang          - Riana Idos, Salt Creek Elementary School

B. Opening Remarks  - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Dolores Balane, FLASP Chairman

C. Recital of Songs with Ukulele Accompaniment

  • Magandang Hapon Po
  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  • Mary Had a Little Lamb
  • Rain, Rain Go Away
  • An Incy Wincy Spider

D. Message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Mrs. Rizalyn Cruz, CTFLC President

E. Continuation of Recital

  • Five Little Monkeys
  • Baa, Baa Black Sheep
  • Nanay, Tatay
  • Tatlong Bibe
  • Sampung mga Daliri

F. Words of Inspiration - - - - - - - - - - - -  Julita Biares, Ed.D., Music Teacher

G. Awarding of Certificates

H. Closing Song - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - God Bless America (ALL)

Dr. Julita Biares delivered her speech.

Dr. Julita Biares with her students playing ukulele.

Principal of Zamorano Fine Arts Academy, Mr. Derek Murchison and his students.

The CTFLC Members


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