Fil-Am Fest 2013

The Filipino-American Arts & Culture Festival better known as FilAm Fest, with the theme “Unsung Heroes”, honored and celebrated the outstanding contribution of Filipinos-Americans. This annual gathering was held on Saturday, 5th October at the Paradise Valley Road, San Diego from 11:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.

The Council for Teaching Filipino Language and Culture (CTFLC) headed by its President, Ms. Mary Rose Peralta sponsored a booth that showcased educational achievement of teachers as well as the students. Throughout the day, students played wooden lyre with the guidance of Gng. Julita Biares from Morse High School.  One could hear the festive sound of “Bahay Kubo,” “Sitsiritsit,” and “Manang Biday.”

At about 3:00 p.m., teachers from CTFLC headed by Ms. Virginia Ferrer,  Mr. Salvador Idos, and Ms. Sally Idos spearheaded games such as Passing the Sand, Tug-O-war, Garter Game, Toothpick Tower, and Tissue Paper Mummies.  Students enjoyed the games as well as the prizes.

After the award ceremony, Ms. Jacquilin Magat and Bell Middle School students presented interpretive songs.


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