Salt Creek Afterschool Program

November 5, 2018/ Farah Divah Mendoza

On October 11, 2018, the Council for Teaching Filipino Language and Culture (CTFLC) pilots an Afterschool Program focusing on Filipino Language and Culture in Salt Creek Elementary of Chula Vista Elementary School District.  Ms. Lalaine Perez, Principal of Salt Creek Elementary School, welcomes parents and students who are the pioneers of this program. She exclaims that she is very excited to have this project for the first time in her school.

Parents are excited to register their children because they know that their children will learn about their Filipino roots at an early age. Thirty students are officially registered.

Mrs. Myrna Ablana, CTFLC President, introduces CTFLC members who work around San Diego County. She also introduces Mr. Salvador Idos and Mrs. Rosalina Idos, retired Filipino Language teachers at Morse High School and the Advisors of Salt Creek Filipino Language After School Program.

To showcase Filipino culture, Eastlake High School students perform a Filipino dance number.  Furthermore, Mrs. Julita Biares, a retired Filipino Language teacher from Morse, with her ukulele and  CTFLC members serenade the audience with Filipino medley songs. To complete the event, everybody enjoyed a simple serving of Lumpia and homemade pancit.

This 10-week session class will end on December 18, 2018. This is open to both Filipino and non-Filipino descent. Mrs. Rizalyn Cruz, Filipino Language Teacher at Otay Ranch, handles this class of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.  Mrs. Analyn Thomson, Educational Partner of the Filipino School, co-teaches with Mrs. Cruz.

Ms. Lalaine Perez and CTFLC


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